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How much money do you make?

(2008-03-17 19:01:15) 下一个
Unlike in the U.S. "how much money do you make?" is a popular question between Chinese, at least it used to be. I remembered one time when I was in Tokyo airport, waiting for my connection to Beijing, a fellow Chinese passenger who was waiting for the same flight started to chat with me. After some introduction of herself, if I remembered correctly, she was about 60 years old, came to Japan to visit her daughter who married a Japanese, her questions came. It started like: "How old are you? Are you married? Where do you live? How long have you been living in the U.S.? What do you do for a living? How much money do you make?" ...... I wouldn't say that I was annoyed by the question, but I was still surprised that a total stranger felt it is o.k. to ask me that question. So I made up a number.

I can do that to a stranger, but I can't do that to my parents, who ask me how much money do I make every year. To them, the number sounds a lot bigger than it really is, because they don't factor in the taxes. For example, assume I make $100K/year, which I don't, after medical deductions, retirement account contributions, and various taxes, it becomes to less than $51K/year. And if you further factor in sales tax, which is 6% here, that becomes to less than $48K/year. How can I explain all that to my parents who never heard of personal income taxes until the 90's? Even I can't believe it until I see it break down like this. No wonder I don't have any money. It all went to the government.

Wage $100,000.00 Assume $100K/year income
Health Insurance Premiums$2,000.00Assume $2,000 pre-tax deduction
Dental Insurance Premiums$200.00Assume $200 pre-tax deduction
Vision Insurance Premiums$100.00Assume $100 pre-tax deduction
Social Security Wage $97,700.00 Wage - pre-tax deductions
401(k) Contribution$15,500.00Assume $15,500 pre-tax contribution to 401(k) account
Taxable Wage $82,200.00 Social Security Wage - 401(k) Contribution
Social Security Tax$6,057.406.2% * Social Security Wage
Medicare Tax$1,416.651.45% * Social Security Wage
Federal Income Tax$13,397.50From 2007 IRS Tax Table
State Income Tax$2,794.803.4% * Taxable Wage
Local Income Tax$822.001% * Taxable Wage
Roth IRA Contribution$4,000.00Assume $4,000 after-tax contribution to Roth IRA account
Property Tax$3,000.00Assume $3,000 Property Tax
Actual Income $50,711.65  

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xux 回复 悄悄话 回复牛男牛女的评论:
I am in the midwest, no mountain, no lake, no nothing. :) The only good things are cheap housing, relative low tax, and less traffic.
牛男牛女 回复 悄悄话 分析得很好啊.
xux 回复 悄悄话 回复屁屁龙的评论:
hehe, 您这觉悟,我得向您学习。政府要是把钱用在正道上,我也不会有这么多牢骚了 :)
xux 回复 悄悄话 回复zhuzhu1972的评论:
您说的没错。我这不是不甘心钱还没到手就蒸发了,发发牢骚嘛 :)
屁屁龙 回复 悄悄话 给政府也是回愦社会.,没有税哪来的一切啊..
zhuzhu1972 回复 悄悄话 Note that 401K and Roth IRA (total $19500) is your own retirement fund. You can potentially get more if your company has a 401K matching plan ($5000 assuming they match 5% of your salary). This is $24500 total saving for your retirement. In addition, you will get social security and medicare benefit when you reach 65. Please keep in mind, you are putting away a big chunk of your income as retirement saving.
xux 回复 悄悄话 谢谢永远来访!
唯一的永远 回复 悄悄话 Good example. Thank you for sharing.