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Jan 2008 economy event

(2008-01-23 08:45:32) 下一个
early Tuesday Jan 22, 2008 after the Federal Reserve unexpectedly slashed a key interest rate amid growing fears of a U.S. economic slowdown.

The central bank lowered the federal funds rate from 4.25 to 3.5 percent, its biggest one-day move since 1991, and signaled further cuts were likely. But traders seemed unconvinced that the Fed's surprise cut, which followed a worldwide stock sell-off, would be enough to forestall a U.S. recession.

Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500), which reported quarterly earnings that missed estimates Tuesday, and JP Morgan (JPM, Fortune 500) both rose nearly 5 percent in early action. Shares of Wells Fargo (WFC, Fortune 500) and Wachovia (WB, Fortune 500) were up more than 7 percent.

Ambac and MBIA: Saved?

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红地瓜 回复 悄悄话 Likely there is no conserved capitalism existing now,indicating the merging of socialism and capitalism.
So far most of economy rules actually go to dysfunction.