

(2009-03-26 07:40:33) 下一个
实际上还有另一个原因影响俺的超短线预测:因为每次俺说某个价格可以进场后,都有大批散户跟进,不断以ask(就是那个较高的“卖价”)买进,其结果是为庄家创造了出货的机会。所以俺曾一再呼吁,如果你要买进俺推荐的股票,务必只用“买价”Bid(即报价中那个较低的价格)等待买进,买不到拉倒。因为庄家的交易模式很一致,80%的情况下不会使用“卖价”直接买进。只有散户才用ask价直接买进。你用ask价买进,等于是送给庄家Easy Money,还会促使他们进一步向下砸盘,以便赚到更多的Easy Money。
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PROFESSOR3 回复 悄悄话 回复flying_bird的评论:
flying_bird 回复 悄悄话 绝对佩服!现在俺是空仓,请问还要不要进C和FAS?或者什么别的股票?多谢!
PROFESSOR3 回复 悄悄话 回复pptboy的评论:
check BAC's price now. good luck!
PROFESSOR3 回复 悄悄话 回复iamhereforfun的评论:
I made a call to "jump in" to China stocks on March 3, and call to buy C and BAC on March 5(Check the post history). What do u think, is it profitable call?
PROFESSOR3 回复 悄悄话 回复iamhereforfun的评论:
Go to DaqianGutan to c my post by checking post history. Everythings there u r asking. I don't need to answer u here cus post here is "back dated". The "post history" is a REAL RECORD of my trading and current holdings with time of the posts.
pptboy 回复 悄悄话 Will BAC drop back to $5 level?
pptboy 回复 悄悄话 Hi Professor,
do you think financial stocks have recovered from lowest bottom?
iamhereforfun 回复 悄悄话 回复PROFESSOR3的评论:
I think you are right that it is a bull market, but it is not the bottom yet. And your message of urging people to jump in is irresponsible and misleading.
iamhereforfun 回复 悄悄话 回复PROFESSOR3的评论:

Sometimes the longer you stay in the market the more foolish mistakes you make. Lehmann's CEO spent whole life in wall street, AIG CEO spent whole life in insurance business, eventually they were biggest losers.
iamhereforfun 回复 悄悄话 Actually I just want you to do one thing and it will be more interesting than posting any of your prediction, opinion, etc. Can you post a list of Finance or other stocks you are buying NOW and what prices you bought (don't tell us how many shares you buy) and we will see one or two years later if you win or lose. Fact is 1000 times more convincing than words. Right ?
iamhereforfun 回复 悄悄话 Thanks for your response. You don't need to further explan to me. I am not convinced and will not convinced by you
PROFESSOR3 回复 悄悄话 回复pinemouse的评论:
Follow my "3 Rules" for ur investment. U may average once if u r experienced investor. Just keep if u r not experienced, it'll give u return anyway, since it's still undervalued very much at price under $3.
Gooooood luck to u!
PROFESSOR3 回复 悄悄话 回复pptboy的评论:
Both will be OK. But best one would be C+FAS portfolio. BAC is one of best, either.
PROFESSOR3 回复 悄悄话 回复Lyra的评论:
No, it's not. In a big Bull Market, u'll have much more probability to win. Trust me, this is a big Bull Market. You never heard anybody tell u so condidently. Good luck!
PROFESSOR3 回复 悄悄话 回复iamhereforfun的评论:
Thanks for an answer. You should live in US Stock Market for more than 10 years for understanding my point. I experienced all big events in this market and I believe my prediction would be very smart one.
Anyway, I'll make another post later to explain u why I think everything will be OK in US.
iamhereforfun 回复 悄悄话 Don't understand why you are confident on finance stocks. I was confident on them too but many of them went bankrupt and many became penny stocks. For example, Leahman, Fannie Mae, Freddie, WAMU, don't think $3 is a good cheap price, some of them can go to zero finally.
Lyra 回复 悄悄话 The best way for "small loss or big gain" is playing lottery :)
pptboy 回复 悄悄话 what is your view on AIG and Fannie Mae?
pinemouse 回复 悄悄话 Thank you professor for the advise! I bought some C today.