落花飘零 (热门博主)
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(2007-05-08 19:53:37) 下一个

既然说到车,就忍不住提一下我的目标,mini cooper,嘿嘿。


我经常会在门诊等病人的空间,看看mini cooper的网站,做一下白日梦。我的program director,是个很高很大的巨人,他很不屑这种巨袖珍还很高维护的车子,他总是跟我说,这不是伦敦,这里是美国,要买经得住福特卡车撞的车。但是我还是写下once in your life, own a mini -cooper,然后贴在我的桌前。人生很多时候,要推动自己去做一些美丽但是可能不是最经济的事情,我知道如果我不买mini-cooper,慢慢地我就不会再想去买,然后有了孩子,就会成为一个开着mini van的女人。

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沧海一啸 回复 悄悄话 我也是处女座的,对你的为人很认同,也很佩服。我没你优秀。
给你一点建议: “落花飘零”的网名美虽美,但寓意不好;而且,你喜欢的mini cooper 也是去年台湾一个花季明星的车祸车型。建议你找星相师参谋参谋,文学城的亥先生就很好。
落花飘零 回复 悄悄话 3yearsflies, i so understand you feeling, the truth is, life is all about compromise, to people who are important to us. but, if i am not happy, people around me will not be happy too, i believe, once a while, we will have to do something to indulge ourselves just to make life more meaningful and delightful, so we can carry all this joy and continue our life.

Therefore ( this is for replying 纵然平行 as well), I will buy this mini-cooper, when i can afford a second car, not for long time travel, not for snow or storm, just for occasional use, such as, a sunday to hang out with my girl friends.

Therefore, I will still drive my practical car, until the day my dream come true. :D

玄米, thank you so much for your always support, it's not the amount of people coming to this blog that matters, it's the true and sincere words friends like you left here that really keeps me continue to write. trust me, i gain more from you than you do from me.:)

青海子 回复 悄悄话 一晃半年没有来了,一多半是国内不方便上这个网,还有就是工作忙.人是那么奇怪,他前天梦到她了,不是在瑞金宾馆,但是很清晰的梦境.我的梦中车是沃尔沃S80,虽然后来开的不是,但是总有去买下来的冲动,但是,上边那位朋友说的对,真到买车的时候,却还是选择了别的,可能梦想总要留在那里才是梦想,一旦梦想成真,又会有新的梦,那前一个呢,虽然花了较大的代价,却很快就没有感觉了.上周到上海出差,住在淮海中路1500号,原来美国领事馆的地方,是老外定的房子,因为他们很喜欢那边的一个酒店,我早晨在酒店吃着早餐,看外边的人们,觉得上海的确比北京更适合生活,是那种角角落落都有味道的城市.其实已经5年没有到上海了,一年多前本来想来,可是终究还是没有来.我7月去加拿大休假1个多月时间,回来就又快十一了,时间总是过的那么快.
纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 I am wondering that at the moment of the idea of owning a “Mini Cooper” conceived in your mind did you happen to be under the influences of alcohol, drugs, pheromones, advertising hype , peer pressure, break-up, death wish , etc ? -:)

In my humble opinion, the word “mini” should never apply to a car in the first place. Buying a car isn’t like buying an Ipod “Nano” which can be delightful small, irresistible cute, eye catching colorful. (some female got a kick at it for choosing their favorite color to go with their tan tops). A car, even a drooly charming one, can’t just stay in one’s pocket, it has to share the roads with those whooshing muscle SUVs and tractor trailers driven by aggressive cowboys or cowgirls. More, it may have to deliver person(s) from A to B under tough weather conditions such as snow storm, heavy rain. Maybe, my argument isn’t convincing. How about giving an example? One night last fall, a buddy of mine was driving his BMW M Roadster on a highway, coming nowhere a GMC Yukon squished into the rear end of his convertible. He felt he was so lucky for not being seriously enjured since he was not hit from front or side. Otherwise, he would have been mangled the same way as his “toy” roadster did. Interesting enough, at the scene of the accident Yukon XL’s airbag was not activated even with the impact of the collision, the SUV’s driver was in perfect condition, there was not even single bruise on that guy.

So, the lesson learned was that size of an object does make big difference sometimes, especially when the safety of a driver is on the line, bigger may be simply less vulnerable.

There are sufficient “raison d'être” to mitigate the risks these days do you have to escalate the odds a bit, the other direction?

BTW, please don’t let my words above dampen your spirits. Do have a great holiday weekend. At the meantime, polish your vehicle plan a little starting from cutie to the soccer-mom mini van.

玄米 回复 悄悄话 拥有也是很重要的一种情绪,会得到满足,而且没有后悔伴随以后。
3yearsflies 回复 悄悄话 I always want to own a Beetle, I even went to the dealership to test drive a bright blue one. But when I came to the point purchasing a new vehicle for myself, I went together shopping for a new car together with then-fiancé, well, I decidedly pick a white Camry, not giving a grain of thought on Beetles, - just because it’s $5000 cheaper and reliable to drive (so very economic). Our finances just don’t allow me to comfortably make a decision to purchase a Beetle. I told him then, I would never own a Beetle in my lifetime. Now he jokingly tells me, you should have asked for the car you really wanted since we were not married then yet.

A few days ago, my mom and I strolled outside and saw a convertible Beetle pulling out. I pointed to it, telling her, “it’s car I Used to like, but just because it’s …”

Actually I STILL like it, and will like it for long, just not having the sensation of owning one any more.

Now I have a daughter, I’m thinking of getting a Pink Beetle for her 16th birthday.

I also like Coopers. I think Beetles and Coopers are sisters.