
i were everything......

(2007-05-19 04:23:50) 下一个
一直都以为自己是很坚强的,打不跨的。可是最近却总觉得无精打采,力不从心,工作也不顺心,甚至连叹息都发不出来。我,丢了自己心爱的东西, 又走失了自己。我看到我的软弱,我的落寞,我的骄傲掉了一地。。。。。。

you were my strength when i was weak
you were my voice when i couldn't speak
you were my eye when i couldn't see
you saw the best there was in me 
you gave me wings and made me fly
you touched my hand i could touch the sky
i had your love i had it all
i'm everything i am because you loved me
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且走且唱 回复 悄悄话 回复noel26123618的评论:
thank you noe
noel26123618 回复 悄悄话 be strong....pick up what is left, and move on......take care...