

(2007-05-28 00:19:29) 下一个
科又扔下一张纸条"When are you coming to visit?"
以往,我看后任他把纸条收回。这次,我把纸条收到自己的口袋里了。"let me keep this and think about it" 一个星期后的今天,这是我收到的最后一张纸条。

科周四发来邮件,"If there was something you thought I did against you, It's very easy to speak with me about it." 我想了想,还是直白地表明自己没有那样的想法,回了他的邮件。

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努力 回复 悄悄话 It does not look like a real story…or you did not put it in correct time order…anyway if it’s true, I feel sorry for you as it’s so offensive to be sexually harassed for a female in the US (are you really in Florida?), I was wondering why you did not report to your boss or sue this guy, you know what your attitude will make it worse if the guy found your weakness.

By the way, my wife died several years ago in an accident, she never complained me in front of other guys.

I just had a question for you, why you put your story in this section, is your story about love? Or you actually liked this guy? If so, that will make sense why you put your story here without a serious documentary writing. It’s a common sense to me, as a 34 years old married woman, you should take actions to stop this harassment instead of letting it go and putting it here to amuse us. To be honest, we are not interested in any faked story here, it does not make any sense.

Please correct me if I guessed wrong.