


(2009-06-07 22:09:51) 下一个

今天太为我网球的第一大偶像 --- 费得勒高兴了!终于拿下法网的第一个奖杯,与桑普拉斯大满贯数看齐,共 14 个,并且比前者更有成就的是:小费的这 14 个奖杯中,有包括温布尔顿, US 公开赛,法网和奥网世界级的四大网球赛的奖杯。 All time best! 他的太太也怀孕待产,看来他今年喜事多多,真替他高兴,祝他一切平安顺意。

 第一次看他打球是他在2001年温布尔顿R4赛时与桑普拉斯的那场对决。当时对这个毛头小伙精湛的球艺印象很深,尤其是对他挑战桑普拉斯这样的网坛巨星居然能这么沉着冷静的应对佩服得紧,再加上他的帅气是我喜欢的那款,有点黝黑的健美肤色,匀称阳光的体型,好色的我立马心里念叨一下:爱本来就是无国界的,小桑对不起了,美国对不起了。就一头倒向他,为他加油了。果然他不负重望,拿下了那场比赛。没想到的事,最后一个 match point 成功后,小费一反打球时的那种沉府很深的模样,居然出乎意外地趴在地上大哭起来,泪水肆无忌惮地在挤得满满的现场观众面前,在全世界坐在电视机前的网球爱好者面前狂奔。看他那张年轻的脸上泪水滂沱的样子,回想着他刚才出色的球艺和冷峻的神态,突然明白原来他的冷静只是外表,心里的压力一样地是不可估量,只是他控制着不让它爆发而已。这是怎样的一个至情至性的男人,叫人怎能不喜欢。


网球界不乏帅哥美女,可让我为之倾心的却不多。喜欢小费首先是因为他的球艺,从发球,正手,反手,网前球,他都能处理得浑然天成,没有明显的缺憾,欣赏他的球,如同观赏一出百老汇的秀,每一招,每一式,无不给人一种视觉上的美的享受。他有力,但不像桑普拉斯那样常常能在温布尔顿的绿色草地上 “ 一锤定音 ” ;他能跑,但不如他近年的 “ 克星 ” 纳达尔那般像架永动机,一发动后,隔了电视屏幕都能感受他那 “ 蹦蹦蹦 ” 的震动。小费打的是艺术球,他胜在聪慧,胜在灵活运用,虽然对手各异,他都能以己之长,克他人之弱。

偶像之所以能成偶像,不光要有出色的才艺让人眩目,更要有人格的魅力。如果只是体能上的竞赛,刘翔再快也跑不过山豹。虽然偶像首先是因在聚光灯下的才艺吸引人,但是要凡人死心塌地做粉丝的,还必须具备让人信服的品德修养。飞鱼在 08 北京奥运会上光彩夺目,可是回美没多久就身陷吸毒嫖妓之困扰,这些乌七八糟的事传递出一个低俗的人品,难以成为青少年们的行为楷模,所以在广告界失宠也不足为奇。毕竟对大部分人来说,做人比在体育上高人一等来得更重要。这也是我喜欢小费另一个重要原因所在。 他场下的儒雅风度就像他的座右铭所言:做名人当然好,但更重要的是做个好人。非常欣赏他这一点。无论输赢,他总是给对手恰如其分的赞美,不张狂,不做作,彰显体育的优雅 (grace) 和 正义 (dignity).



Biography (ZT)

Here's an attempt to sketch Roger Federer 's non-tennis personality.

Born: August 8, 1981 at Münchenstein, Basel, Switzerland
Residence: Oberwil, Switzerland
Height: 186 cm
Weight: 84 kg
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Nicknames: Rogi, Federer Express
Hobbies: Sports, Movies, Fishing, Skiing, Playstation, Cards

Food: Mozzarella di buffala, Gnocchi, Gorgonzola, Sausage, Cheese
Cereal: Rice Crispies
Ice Cream: Strawberry
Colors: Blue, Red, White
Artists: AC/DC, Lenny Kravitz
Movies: Good Will Hunting, Entrapment, Enemy of the State
Sportstars: FC Basel, Zinedine Zidane, Francesco Totti, Michael Jordan, Lennox Lewis, Peter Forsberg
Qualities Most Admired: Smile a lot, Friendly, Helpful
Personal Motto: It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice
Funny Tennis Memory: " I was playing a friend named Marco when I was 14. Playing in Basel. And it was like six o' clock. And this bird just goes on the net. My friend - he didn't see the bird - and he starts serving. And he serves...and the little bird, Boom! Right on the body. The bird fell on my side of the net. And it was on the ground, like shaking, then, Boom, dead. Feathers all over the court. He didn't know what happened. I'm like, Stop, stop! There's a bird on the net. And he goes, Boom, and just hits it. That was unbelievable. "
Early Tennis Memory: " I remember always loving to play against the cupboards, against the doors at home. With any kind of ball...soft ball, tennis ball. My mom always got pissed off at me, because, Bang, bang, bang!, all day long ."

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海棠花飞 回复 悄悄话 回复幸福剧团的评论:
幸福剧团 回复 悄悄话 看过,来过,开眼界,谢谢分享!
DUMARTINI 回复 悄悄话 回复看风景的评论:



海棠花飞 回复 悄悄话 看风景,杜马:谢谢你们的认真。我回头去查了一下,小费和小桑的那场球是在2001年的温网R4(16强),小费赢。不过不是最后的冠亚军决赛,championship 是在Goran Ivanisevic Vs. Patrick Rafter角逐。杜姐的记忆比我强,大大地表扬一个。


Sampras vs Federer on Wimbledon 2001(ZT):

Some stats about the historic match in the Round of 16. It was the only time they both met and since Sampras has retired, Federer holds a 1-0 lifetime head to head against him. Going into the match,

Pete had never lost a 5-set match at Wimbledon before he lost to Federer 7-6, 5-7, 6-4, 6-7, 7- 5.
He had a streak of 31 straight wins at Wimbledon, tying him with Rod Laver.
Pete had won the seven of the last 8 Wimbledons going into the 2001 Wimby.
Pete was looking for his 100th win at Wimbledon when he met Federer. He got his 100th win at Wimbledon with his 3-set win over Martin Lee in R128 the next year. It was also his last win at Wimbledon.

看风景 回复 悄悄话 看来MM是网坛新手啊. 费桑从未在温网决赛中相遇过.而且两人相差十多岁,没有可比性.桑天王时代群雄纷起,费天王时代没有对手(除了最近两年).

费的大满冠决赛记录是14-5, 5次失败都是输给纳道.3次红土,1次草地,一次硬地. 仅有的两次胜利都来自草地.即使现在,任何场地,费德勒 vs 纳道还是输面多.当然,费德勒的成绩摆在那里,技术动作确实完美.可惜了,对纳道的记录有点逊色.还有,这次如果是在法网决赛中击败纳道,那就没有什么争议了.


谁是网坛最强手? 费德勒? 桑普拉斯?

下面是 ESPN 的一家之言.

Who is the greatest player? Now that Federer has tied Sampras for most Grand Slam titles at 14, the argument seems to settle around those two (sometimes Rod Laver, as well).

But winning Grand Slam titles is just one facet of the debate. Jimmy Connors, for example, played the Australian Open only twice, reaching the final both times. What about winning on different surfaces? What about career longevity? What about caliber of competition? What about being linked with Barbra Streisand, Brooke Shields and Steffi Graf?

So in true Page 2 fashion, we've devised a points system to calculate all this. We'll look at 11 of the best players of the Open era (since 1968), those with at least six Grand Slam titles. We're going to leave Laver out of the debate for now because his career is a little more difficult to evaluate; he won six majors as an amateur before turning pro in 1963, then added five more once professionals were allowed to compete. He might be the best player ever; we won't disagree, but it is fair to say that modern tennis really began in 1968.

For now, on to our scoring system. Here's how it works:

8226; Five points for each Grand Slam singles championship;
8226; Three points for each finals win over one of the other 10 players on our list;
8226; Two points for each loss in a Grand Slam championship;
8226; One point for each semifinals loss in a Grand Slam event;
8226; One point for every 10 career matches won in Grand Slam tournaments;
8226; One point for each separate year a player reached at least the semifinals of a Grand Slam event;
8226; Five points for finishing the year ranked as the No. 1 player in the world; four points for being No. 2; three points for being No. 3;
8226; 15 points for completing the career Grand Slam

Andre Agassi
Titles: 8 (Australian Open 4, U.S. Open 2, Wimbledon, French) (40 points)
Record in finals: 8-7 (14 points)
Semifinals losses: 11 (11 points)
Grand Slam W-L: 224-53 (22 points)
Players defeated in finals: Pete Sampras, Goran Ivanisevic, Michael Stich, Andrei Medvedev, Todd Martin, Yevgeny Kafelnikov, Arnaud Clement, Rainer Schuttler (3 points)
Years reaching finals or semifinals: 15 (15 points)
Year-end rankings: 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2 (23 points)
Career Grand Slam? Yes (15 points)
Random note: 1-4 against Sampras in Grand Slam finals; beat Sampras in the 1995 Australian.


Boris Becker
Titles: 6 (Wimbledon 3, Australian 2, U.S. Open) (30 points)
Record in finals: 6-4 (8 points)
Semifinals losses: 8 (8 points)
Grand Slam W-L: 163-40 (16 points)
Players defeated in finals: Ivan Lendl (3), Kevin Curren, Stefan Edberg, Michael Chang (12 points)
Years reaching finals or semifinals: 11 (11 points)
Year-end rankings: 2, 2, 2, 3, 3 (18 points)
Career Grand Slam? No
Random note: Reached the French semis three times, but never the final.


Bjorn Borg
Titles: 11 (French 6, Wimbledon 5) (55 points)
Record in finals: 11-5 (10 points)
Semifinals losses: 1 (1 point)
Grand Slam W-L: 141-16 (14 points)
Players defeated in finals: Jimmy Connors (2), Guillermo Vilas (2), John McEnroe, Manuel Orantes, Ilie Nastase, Victor Pecci, Roscoe Tanner, Vitas Gerulaitis, Ivan Lendl (12 points)
Years reaching finals or semifinals: 8 (8 points)
Year-end rankings: 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1 (27 points)
Career Grand Slam? No
Random note: Entered Australian Open only once in career; from 1978 to '81, made the finals in 11 of 12 majors he entered.


[+] EnlargeJohn Kelly/Getty Images
Jimmy Connors won eight Grand Slam titles despite rarely venturing to the Australian Open.

Jimmy Connors
Titles: 8 (U.S. Open 5, Wimbledon 2, Australian Open) (40 points)
Record in finals: 8-7 (14 points)
Semifinals losses: 16 (16 points)
Grand Slam W-L: 233-49 (23 points)
Players defeated in finals: Bjorn Borg (2), Ivan Lendl (2), Ken Rosewall (2), John McEnroe, Phil Dent (15 points)
Years reaching finals or semifinals: 14 (14 points)
Year-end rankings: 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2 (49 points)
Career Grand Slam? No
Random note: Won 1976 U.S. Open on clay; reached semis of French Open four times, but never the final.


Stefan Edberg
Titles: 6 (Wimbledon 2, U.S. Open 2, Australian 2) (30 points)
Record in finals: 6-5 (10 points)
Semifinals losses: 8 (8 points)
Grand Slam W-L: 178-47 (17 points)
Players defeated in finals: Boris Becker (2), Mats Wilander, Pat Cash, Jim Courier, Pete Sampras (12 points)
Years reaching finals or semifinals: 10 (10 points)
Year-end rankings: 2, 3, 1, 1, 2 (21 points)
Career Grand Slam? No
Random note: Five-set loss to Michael Chang in 1989 French Open prevented career Grand Slam.


Roger Federer
Titles: 14 (Wimbledon 5, U.S. Open 5, Australian 3, French) (70 points)
Record in finals: 14-5 (10 points)
Semifinals losses: 3 (3 points)
Grand Slam W-L: 175-25 (17 points)
Players defeated in finals: Andy Roddick (3), Rafael Nadal (2), Andre Agassi, Marat Safin, Mark Philippoussis, Lleyton Hewitt, Marcos Baghdatis, Fernando Gonzalez, Novak Djokovic, Andy Murray, Robin Soderling (9 points)
Years reaching finals or semifinals: 7 (7 points)
Year-end rankings: 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 (28 points)
Career Grand Slam? Yes (15 points)
Random note: 2-5 against Nadal in finals; 12-0 against everybody else.


[+] EnlargeFocus on Sport/Getty Images
Ivan Lendl never gets much credit for being a dominant force in the '80s.

Ivan Lendl
Titles: 8 (U.S. Open 3, French 3, Australian 2) (40 points)
Record in finals: 8-11 (22 points)
Semifinals losses: 9 (9 points)
Grand Slam W-L: 222-49 (22 points)
Players defeated in finals: John McEnroe (2), Mats Wilander (2), Miloslav Mecir (2), Stefan Edberg, Mikael Pernfors (15 points)
Years reaching finals or semifinals: 11 (11 points)
Year-end rankings: 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3 (41 points)
Career Grand Slam? No
Random note: 2-1 vs. McEnroe in finals, but 0-3 vs. Boris Becker, 2-3 vs. Wilander, 0-2 vs. Jimmy Connors and 0-1 vs. Borg


John McEnroe
Titles: 7 (U.S. Open 4, Wimbledon 3) (35 points)
Record in finals: 7-4 (8 points)
Semifinals losses: 8 (8 points)
Grand Slam W-L: 167-38 (16 points)
Players defeated in finals: Bjorn Borg (3), Jimmy Connors, Ivan Lendl, Vitas Gerulaitis, Chris Lewis (15 points)
Years reaching finals or semifinals: 12 (12 points)
Year-end rankings: 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 (31 points)
Career Grand Slam? No
Random note: Competed in Australian Open five times, never reaching the finals; reached French final once.


Rafael Nadal
Titles: 6 (French 4, Wimbledon, Australian) (30 points)
Record in finals: 6-2 (4 points)
Semifinals losses: 2 (2 points)
Grand Slam W-L: 90-15 (9 points)
Players defeated in finals: Roger Federer (5), Mariano Puerta (15 points)
Years reaching finals or semifinals: 5 (5 points)
Year-end rankings: 2, 2, 2, 1 (17 points)
Career Grand Slam? No
Random note: Has reached the semis of the U.S. Open once so far.


Pete Sampras
Titles: 14 (Wimbledon 7, U.S. Open 5, Australian 2) (70 points)
Record in finals: 14-4 (8 points)
Semifinals losses: 5 (5 points)
Grand Slam W-L: 203-38 (20 points)
Players defeated in finals: Andre Agassi (4), Goran Ivanisevic (2), Cedric Pioline (2), Jim Courier, Todd Martin, Boris Becker, Michael Chang, Carlos Moya, Patrick Rafter (15 points)
Years reaching finals or semifinals: 12 (12 points)
Year-end rankings: 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3 (39 points)
Career Grand Slam? No
Random note: Reached the semifinals of the French Open just once.


Mats Wilander
Titles: 7 (French 3, Australian 3, U.S. Open) (35 points)
Record in finals: 7-4 (8 points)
Semifinals losses: 3 (3 points)
Grand Slam W-L: 144-37 (14 points)
Players defeated in finals: Ivan Lendl (3), Guillermo Vilas, Kevin Curren, Pat Cash, Henri Leconte (9 points)
Years reaching finals or semifinals: 7 (7 points)
Year-end rankings: 3, 3, 3, 1 (14 points)
Career Grand Slam? No
Random note: Won all but Wimbledon in 1988, when he lost in the quarterfinals to Miloslav Mecir.


Final rankings
1. Jimmy Connors, 171 points.
2. Pete Sampras, 169
3. Ivan Lendl, 160
4. Roger Federer, 159
5. Andre Agassi, 143
6. Bjorn Borg, 127
7. John McEnroe, 125
8. Boris Becker, 103
9. Stefan Edberg, 102
10. Mats Wilander, 90
11. Rafael Nadal, 82

Jimmy Connors?!?! Indeed … and why not? Sure, he won "only" eight majors, but consider:

A. His amazing run of excellence and durability, including being ranked in the top three in the world for 12 consecutive years and reaching the semifinals of the U.S. Open at age 39;

B. He has won more Grand Slam matches (233) than anybody else despite competing in the Australian Open only twice;

C. Although he never won the French Open, he did win the U.S. Open in 1976 when it was held on clay;

D. He beat great players such as Borg, McEnroe and Lendl in finals;

E. Think about all the players he had to compete against at their peaks: in the '70s, against John Newcombe (five career Grand Slam titles), Guillermo Vilas (four GS titles) and Roscoe Tanner (one title); in the late '70s and early '80s, Borg and McEnroe; in the '80s, Lendl, Edberg, Wilander and Becker.

Here's one stat that says something about Connors: From 1973 Wimbledon through the 1985 U.S. Open, he played in 35 majors and reached the quarterfinals in 34 of them (and the semifinals in 28 of them). The guy always came to play, and he was among the best in the world for 15 years. Yes, Sampras has more titles, but it's hard to say he matched Connors' consistency, and he clearly didn't match Connors' record on clay. And although one of the judgments against Federer's case has been a lack of star opposition, you can make the same case against Sampras: His early rivals included past-their-prime guys such as Edberg and Becker; Agassi, the guy who should have been his chief rival, took a midcareer sabbatical, got fat, battled injuries and started dating movie stars; his other chief rival should have been Jim Courier, who won four Grand Slam titles but flamed out at age 24. Late in his career, Sampras battled the likes of Marat Safin and Lleyton Hewitt, neither of whom became a consistent winner. So if you're going to use that argument against Federer, you have to use it against Sampras, as well.

Certainly, under our fun little points system here, Federer eventually will pass Connors. His peak excellence is unsurpassed, and he'll accumulate career "value," as well. He has a rival in Nadal, and up-and-coming talent such as Andy Murray that should make for tough competition.

But until then, let's at least acknowledge that Connors deserves to be in the debate.

Plus, he deserves extra credit for marrying a Playboy bunny.
DUMARTINI 回复 悄悄话 回复海棠花飞的评论:




海棠花飞 回复 悄悄话 回复DUMARTINI的评论:
DUMARTINI 回复 悄悄话 好文!同感!握握手。。。



海棠花飞 回复 悄悄话 Lunamia, 山楂树,苏红:谢谢你们来访!体育比较纯净些,让人看了很爽!
lunamia 回复 悄悄话 Same here, I like Roger Federer very much!
My husband and I watched the French Open, on the final he vs Robin Soderling, even he is nerves as well, but he is so calm. We are very happy for him!
山楂树 回复 悄悄话 写的好 顶顶顶 哪还有这样的男人?
苏红 回复 悄悄话 海棠MM好,对偶像的感觉很一致呀,顶好文!
海棠花飞 回复 悄悄话 谢谢泉水,梦泉和wushu: 干杯,为他欢喜!
泉水 回复 悄悄话 陪帅哥流喜泪,哈哈。
虎跑梦泉 回复 悄悄话 Ding Rogi!
wushu 回复 悄悄话 为你高兴一下。