

(2007-11-15 08:30:29) 下一个

Skype 上的对话:

太太: R U there?
先生: Yes, honey.
太太: What R U doing?
先生: Chatting with someone.
太太: Man or woman?
先生: Of course it is a woman.
太太: U R dangerous. I thought you are watching TV.
先生: Why? Just a chat! How about U? What R U doing?
太太: I am surfacing the youtube.
先生: See. U R also on the net. How about we have a talk?
太太: With you? Boring.


: Hi, a phone call.
太太: can u pick up?
先生: It is 4 U. My friends call my cell only. Your friends call our home.
太太: ok. …..Oops, it is hang up.
先生: Do you want to go to bed now?
太太: 10 min.
太太: Can you get a cup of ice water for me from down stair when u come up ?
先生:  Sure. $10 bucks.
太太: u r greedy.
先生: hi, it is a room service. I gave you discount already.
太太: No money, how about a special treat?
先生: Sure. To be there right now.
太太: Do not forget the water!


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小咸菜~ 回复 悄悄话 嘻~~~好玩。
绿叶唤唤 回复 悄悄话 哈哈。just $10 bucks for a room service? 太便宜了,确实打折


一廉幽梦 回复 悄悄话 哈哈,搞笑!
LiYouCai 回复 悄悄话

Liketoread 回复 悄悄话 金色的麦田: 是的, 网络把远在天边的人联在一起.
SINEAD4273: 熟则生厌.
海棠: 那TREAT 在这儿不能讲. 少儿不宜.
cnlady: 谢谢来访. 结婚后的日子就会是这样. 还好没有吓到你.

祝每位周末好! (这周末跟孩子去露营.BOY SCOUTS活动.但愿回来时不会冻僵.).
cnlady 回复 悄悄话 有趣!
海棠花飞 回复 悄悄话 啥TREAT 呀?!
SINEAD4273 回复 悄悄话 哈哈。

太太: With you? Boring.

金色的麦田 回复 悄悄话 Hi,来问个好!网络改变了太多你我的生活了,要不是网络,我们远在天边的人怎么会认识呢?