
网络课程之第一课:七个秘密延长您宠物的生命之一---关于疫苗 夏奈尔

(2008-01-12 18:27:47) 下一个
Day 1: The Truth about Pet Vaccines

Day 1 of Veterinary Secrets Course, '7 Secrets to Extending The Life of Your Pet', the complimentary course by Dr. Andrew Jones.

This issue - The 1st Secret: My story, Plus The Truth about Pet Vaccines. Also - what you need to begin doing NOW to extend Your Pet's Life!

You have probably never had any medical training - let alone given your pet medication.

This 7 day course will not turn you in to a practicing veterinarian, but I can show you the basic ways to examine your pet, make a tentative diagnosis, and treat your pet -- all in the comfort of your home.

My story:

I grew up on a large farm.

We had lots of animals - cows, sheep, pigs, horses, chickens, turkeys, many cats and many dogs.

We didn't have any money to afford the vet - so when they were sick, we treated them with at-home remedies on the farm.

I have always loved animals. My heart sent me to veterinary school.

I went to work in a busy small animal practice. I love being able to fix a broken leg, or treat a diabetic cat.

Not everybody can afford to see a vet, or afford the treatments.

Some of the "normal" treatments produce severe side effects.

I started to use many of the home remedies that I saw being used as a child on the farm - I realized that these remedies work!

I studied different remedies. The alternative options are huge.

I began using these with some of my clients. And guess what? Their pets got better.

This happened at home, no side effects, lower costs.

It was a win-win result. My clients felt better by taking an active role in healing their pet and their pet got better.

This prompted me to write the book: Veterinary Secrets Revealed.

I have sold thousands of copies and helped thousands of pets and their owners in the process.

Enough about me... on with the course!

Secret #1- What to Do About Vaccines.

The "Secret Society" of Veterinarians has it wrong.

This myth is everywhere.

But it is the big drug companies that really want it to stay.

"Your Pet NEEDS this vaccine, and it won't do ANY harm..."


Most veterinarians vaccinate for too many things, too often.

And the vaccines have caused problems.

There is a growing body of evidence against vaccinating yearly.

Most veterinarians just choose to ignore the research because either they still feel the benefits of vaccines outweigh the risk or that they don't want to lose the income from giving booster shots to all those animals each year.

Vaccinations work by stimulating the immune system - the positive effect is to protect against infectious disease.

The negative effect can be the host of immune related diseases.

These can include: immune mediated hemolytic anemia, immune mediated skin disease, vaccine induced skin cancer in cats, skin allergies, arthritis, leukemia, inflammatory bowel disease and neurological conditions.

It is more and more common to see cancer in dogs and cats under 5 years of age. Autoimmune diseases are on the rise as well.

Our companions are suffering from generations of over-vaccination, which combined with inadequate nutrition, poor breeding practices and environmental stresses are leaving each generation more susceptible to congenital disorders and chronic disease.

Most veterinary schools are advising alternate vaccine protocols and newer research is showing that vaccine immunity lasts much longer than previously thought.

In some cases a vaccine given at 1 year of age may provide lifelong immunity.

The analogy can be drawn to people and Tetanus vaccine. It only needs to be boosted every 10 years, and this may be similar in dogs and cats.

Vaccinations do help prevent serious illnesses, but they should be used with caution.

Before vaccinating your pet, consider the risk.

If your cat is indoor only and will never be exposed to unvaccinated animals, the risk of infection is low.

The decision about vaccinations is very individual and should be guided by your own research on the subject before you go to the veterinarian.

If this has been an eye opener for you, then you absolutely, positively MUST also go through 'Veterinary Secrets Revealed'.

It's at:


And another way to view my material is through my online membership site, at www.theonlinevet.com.

Yours truly,

Dr Andrew Jones

P.S. Tomorrow's issue shows you the next most important change that you can make so that your dog or cat will live a longer and healthier life.

You will want to be sure and read it.

It's Your Pet - Heal Them At Home!

Best Wishes

Dr Andrew Jones

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Copyright 2007 Veterinary Secrets Revealed

Tel: 1-800-396-1534
Fax: 1-250-352-1901
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