
some information

(2008-07-24 20:48:27) 下一个
I am so sorry and sad after seeing this post that my wife passed to me. My brother in China was diagnosed as stomach cancer this March, who was planning a wedding with his love this year. I am praying for him everyday and I also wish you the best.

Our family has done a lot of research after that. Some information I would like to pass you is to give a try on

西黄胶囊 from 北京广安门医院。It is not something magic but one of our family friends, who had stomach cancer, did take this for years after the surgery without remission, similar as your case (but she is above 60). My brother\'s stage is not operatable. He has been doing chemo, taking various medicines, and so far he is doing very well. I do not want to overflow you with informaiton so I only pass you something which I feel most likely can help. Suggest you give it a try after your surgery.

In case you want to try alternative approach, try 郭林新气功 if your body allows. I had no idea about it before, but after I filtered out tens of qigong, I found this one with good reputation for cancer patients in china.

i never posted anything before, but hope this first one can be a little help for u.

Never give up! Wish the best for you and my brother.

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