

(2013-02-28 21:25:36) 下一个
困難大過天  機會藏一半  思事太容易  機會全逃逸 Trick in word

避刀劈頭頂 牽牛穿鼻梁  刪肢五臟全 馬倒悠仙鄉
未諳謎中秘 豪賭輸光光 專家謬評論 解謎半妥當
Should avoid flying knife on head  Pull Taurus through its nose  Deleting limbs five internal organs saved 
Horse fell into a deer You fairy place The novice did not come to know the mystery 
Afraid gamble and loss all . Do not believe in absurd comment by experts
Semi-proper solution found through this mystery

GOOGLE---to be corrected   New heaven fancy
Therefore, shares blessing face people, we must first make mad cry,fracture skeleton bitter, to library blight the only remaining shorts, ardently love become bitter cold winter freeze, so understand shares directors of loophole,vulnerability, enlightening, shake decline qibi.
Before the great responsibility is bestowed from the Heaven, the person’s resolve will be tormented, his body labored, his flesh starved, his possessions taken away, and his works disrupted; so that through the pounding of the outer afflictions, and the maturing of inner perseverance, his capacity could be expanded

2.28 6:15
A local Asian Center found out me, a passive self promoter. They are willing to run a show for me. So I will land from cloud--wxc to the ground :) For them, it is a rat got out from hiding. Recall in graduate school, my first group commission, imitating Sargent's early but successful portrait, is from Chinese New Year Party. A pretty girl spoke toneless Chinese: bai go yao yao wo (A white dog wants to bite me). It is on that city, I have much more nicer memory than my current city--attending school is the major reason. A city both famous writers O Henry and William Hinton (Han Ding) shared memory.

My information on a national website www.portraitartist.com  needs to be refreshed as well.

I will include a few local celebrities. In fact, I can and will continue to run it, bravo! Today I tried one-man volleyball, I'll try to boost my writing in a similar way.

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