
My China Trip Day #1

(2010-08-29 21:57:31) 下一个
On March 21st, 2010 I went to China with my family. First, we would stay in Beijing for 1 week. Then, we would stay in Shanghai for 1 week. Finally, we would stay in Guangdong for 2 weeks. Me and my brother had to wake up at 8:00 am. We changed into our normal clothes, brushed our teeth, and ate our breakfast. My parents did the same thing. Then we had to wait until it was 9:00 am because Harrison and Dawei's dad would drive us to the airport. When it was 9:00, he came and we went inside his car. It was about a 30 minute drive to the airport. Finally we were there and we went inside the airport.First, we would have to take a plane to Vancouver. Then, we would take a plane to Beijing. We were usingAir Canada on both trips. At the airport, we had to give our luggage to an Air Canada staff to put on the Vancouver plane. Then, we had a security check to see if we had things that we couldn't bring on the plane.Finally, we had to wait until it was time to board the plane. When it was time, we boarded the plane and waited until it took flight. Soon, it started to fly and we were in the air. It took 1 hour 30 minutes to get to Vancouver. When we were there we went off the plane and did the same things that we did at the Calgary Airport. When everything was done we ate Subway while we waited to board the plane to China. When it was time to board the plane, we went on the plane, but it was way bigger than theVancouver plane! We found our seats and waited until the plane took flight. Soon, we were in the air.I started by watching some TV. What caught my attention was an movie that me and my friend, Jack watched last year. I watched it until it was time to eat lunch on the plane. For lunch, they gave us chicken, beans, bread,and a piece of cake. It was delicious! When I was done my lunch, I played my DS until it was time to eat dinneron the plane. For dinner, they gave us rice, peas, chicken, bread and fruit. It was scrumptious! And for the last few hours on the plane my mom told me to sleep. During my sleep, I was woken up by lots of loud noises. This signalled me that the plane was landing, and I was right! The trip had token 10 hours. Believe it or not, we were at Beijing!We went off the plane and we went to a place where people checked our passports. Soon, it was our turn. What was cool was that we could evaluate the person that checked our passports. The 4 buttons that we could press were "Very Satisfied," "Satisfied," Check took too long," and "Poor Check." I pressed "Satisfied."After, we had to ride this train to a different terminal so we could claim our luggage. The train was almost the same train we took in Las Vegas. The difference was that we had to stand up and hold poles. When we arrived at the terminal, we claimed our luggage. Next, we had to go to a place where lots of people were holding signs of people that just came to China. It was tough to find our names, but we finally found them. These people would drive us to the place we wanted to go to. We went in their car and they drove us to where our grandma's sister and brother lived. Once we were there, I found out that they lived in an apartment. We went inside and saw them waiting for us.They welcomed us and told us that we had to wear slippers in the apartment. We had a great dinner and then we slept from the long day.March 21st, 2010
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半生缘 回复 悄悄话 他写了很多,只是我还没有贴上来:)
半生缘 回复 悄悄话 Thank you for the comment! I really appreciate it!
flying-fish 回复 悄悄话 I love this the most! It is very detailed. Does he wrote more stories when you were in China? If he does, must be very interesting!