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高歌低吟:【Ramblin' Rose】祝碗儿叮当生日快乐!

(2010-09-30 03:40:56) 下一个
-Original Artist: Nat King Cole
-peak Billboard position # 2 in 1962
-Words and Music by Noel Sherman and Joe Sherman

Ramblin' rose, ramblin' rose
Why you ramble, no one knows
Wild and wind-blown, that's how you've grown
Who can cling to a ramblin' rose?

Ramble on, ramble on
When your ramblin' days are gone
Who will love you with a love true
When your ramblin' days are GONE

Ramblin' rose, ramblin' rose
Why I want you, heaven knows
Though I love you with a love true
Who can cling to a ramblin' rose?

SPOKEN: One more time, everybody, NOW
Ramblin' rose, ramblin' rose
Why I want you, heaven knows
Though I love you with a love true
Who can cling to a ramblin' rose?

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高歌低吟 回复 悄悄话 回复来自偶然的评论:
来自偶然 回复 悄悄话 严重羡慕下会唱鹰歌,还能唱这么好的~~~~~~