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4/4 星期一

(2011-04-03 18:48:36) 下一个
又是周一,又是morning shift. 地震过去不过3周,电车又和从前一样挤,有点怀念地震刚过的那一周,到处空空荡荡,一切不紧不慢的感觉。东京恢复了以往的节奏,我却还处在慵懒的mode. 8:30am之前到办公室,filled the morning check form, 咖啡,email, 新闻,每一天都是这样的开始。

早晨一看email就很生气。There is a German guy involved in the project, who is totally insensitive and annoying. For a cost issue, he arranged a conference call with our vendor for today, but didnt invite anyone in Tokyo office, except adding me as optional attendee. To list millions of mistakes he made here, 1. for the cost, he should never cut off Tokyo office for any discussion, since the budge is from Tokyo office. 2. who has the authority to make a final decision on the cost issue? Apparently, he doesn't, and the vendor staff he trying to call doesn't either. 3. He is asking the sales staff to explain technical terms without involving any IT staff. 4. Vendor can't attend any internal conf call without coming in our office, and nobody ever arranged that. And more, I dont even wanna continue... 后来同事T也到公司了,我把那封email给他看,说,这个conf call我不打算参加;T也同感,说,不要趟这浑水,很麻烦的。于是,我借口有其他conf call在相同时间而sent decline. 这位德国同事R,曾经在日本留学过1年,自诩日本通,实际上是一瓶子不满,半瓶子咣当的主儿。懂的东西很有限,却极其喜欢发表各种意见,而我是宁可和明白人吵架,也不和糊涂人讲话,对他的耐心逐渐耗尽,惹不起,我就躲好了。

昨天和怡一起去表参道闲逛,人很多,好像大家都不怕核辐射了,吃个午饭到处都要排队。我们没什么目的,散步,喝咖啡,shopping,闲聊。买了不少夏天的衣服和new bikinis, totally ready for beach season. 我的减肥计划初见成效,但仍需继续,一定要在5月之前甩掉所有多余的脂肪。所以,今天的午饭时间还是要去gym, 况且跑步让我觉得很愉快,I am very much looking forward to this summer.

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