

一首老英文歌 Sealed with a kiss,送树枝儿, 纪念“以吻封笺”的年代

(2022-08-23 10:40:46) 下一个

跟风要趁早, 跟风远风, 他上次回树枝儿关于美国邮局帖子时说想起一首歌, 我以为是这首哈哈。 不过, “从前慢”是我仰望已久的一首好歌!过N个月没准能学会!

这首Sealed with a Kiss, 唱坛绝对是有珠玉在前, 就我所知就有美景的版本。 这首续个貂, 主要是跟风过瘾, 机不可失!这是特地为今天重唱的哈!

Though we gotta say goodbye for the summer Darling I promise you this I'll send you all my love every day in a letter Sealed with a kiss
Yes it's gonna be a cold lonely summer But I'll fill the emptiness I'll send you all my dreams every day in a letter Sealed with a kiss
I'll see you in the sunlight I'll hear your voice everywhere I'll run to tenderly hold you But darling you won't be there
I don't want to say goodbye for the summer Knowing the love we'll miss Oh let us make a pledge to meet in September And seal it with a kiss
Yes it's gonna be a cold lonely summer But I'll fill the emptiness I'll send you all my love every day in a letter Sealed with a kiss Sealed with a kiss Sealed with a kiss

花絮:这是我大学在系里的迎新晚会上第一次登台演唱的歌, 说完歌名, 底下同学交投接耳重复那个"kiss", 吓得我赶紧用中文纠正是”深情寄语“, 看咱中文多含蓄!

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