


(2022-12-12 11:46:33) 下一个







在这些年里,来访最多的应该就是Bella  Harry了。最初的时候,比Harry 体型小很多的Bella,却显得非常的厉害,常常教训Harry,不要抢出头,它们倆个总是乐颠颠地跟着跑来跑去的。 在没有人和它们玩的时候,Bella 大多数的时候,都是安静地走来走去,Harry就会找一个舒适的地方美美地睡懒觉。








 你好,再见, Bella


[Friendship with puppy Bella] In my life, I rarely get along with pets for a long time. When I was in a childhood.  I only raised newborn chickens, but soon the plague of chickens became popular, and none of them survived. I was so sad for a while.


Later, although many people have all kinds of pets, I never thought about trying it myself.


In the past few years that have come and gone, when friends went out, they will put their pets at my house, and the process of getting along with them is very pleasant. Only once, a frightened black cat, unable to adapt to this new home by any means, was sent back.


In these years, the most visited should be Bella and Harry. At the beginning, Bella, who was much smaller than Harry,seemed very powerful. She often taught Harry not to stand out, and the two of them always ran around cheerfully. When no one is playing with them, Bella mostly walks around quietly, and Harry will find a comfortable place to sleep in.


A few years passed in a blink of an eye, and Bella started to look a little old, and she was still working hard to turn around, her temper was much milder. And Harry often plays pranks and gives Bella a little stumbling block, but they can live in the same nest and live in peace.


It is obvious that Bella is old. The last time I saw it, it would faint when it was overexerted. When you stroked it slowly, it would wake up again and continue to walk around. Its strong willingness for the next day has been inspiring us.


Every life will grow old one day, no matter whether you have a relationship with them or not, we should respect their existence and give them the dignity they deserve.


Hello and goodbye, Bella.


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