


(2023-02-05 21:41:27) 下一个

你认识落基山里的铜山滑雪场吗? 我认识它有二十多年了,是因为滑雪才熟悉上了它,我们每年冬天都会来这里至少四次。















铜山的雪道分为:绿道,蓝道,黑道,一个钻石的黑道,两个钻石的黑道,extreme 两个钻石的黑道。我们在二十多年之后,从这些雪道上毕业了。




今天早上在路上,我一直在说我还没有准备好,去尝试更高的选择。好像每一次都是这样,从来都没有ready 的时候。




在我们坐上Three Bears 缆车去Tucker 山峰的时候,我同意了磊的提议,去尝试其中之一的Extreme two diamonds 的黑道。 


又陡又不平的山道,在我们走到它的路上的时候,突然就没有了恐惧感了。有许多的年轻人快速从我们身边滑过,让我觉得有些的放松了,很快就下到了山底。 接着就滑了第二条险道,已经不再胆怯了。 




这项运动无论如何也是有危险的。在半道上遇见一位年轻人折断了腿,我试图帮他找回滑雪工具的时候,其他人也过来帮他,有人下去找救护人员。 我这时也收起了冒险的念头,走在回家的路上。








[Finally graduated on Copper Mountain]

 Do you know Copper Mountain Ski Resort in the Rocky Mountains? I have known it for more than 20 years, and I am familiar with it because of skiing. We come here at least four times every winter.


There are many better ski resorts in the Rocky Mountains, but we have become friends with it, why? Because it used to be a very economical sport, it is on the side of Highway 70, and its snow trails are enough to satisfy our curiosity.


Maybe this also confirms the saying, what kind of person you are, what kind of encounter you will have, I quite agree with this statement.


I have seen us stick together for more than 20 years in Copper Mountain, and I have also experienced those moments of struggling whether to give up it. So glad we all graduated from Copper Mountain today.


When we started skiing on Copper Mountain 20 years ago, we didn't have any goals, as long as we could ski a few times a year, and we persisted.


Starting from the simplest greenway, it feels pretty good. One year, the left on the greenway was closed, so we were forced to go to the blueway, and found that it was not bad. After skating in blue way for several years, I was persuaded by Lei to explore the black way the year before last. I said this was the hardest thing I could try.


Today I was persuaded by Lei again to go up the Tucker Peak of Copper Mountain and try the most difficult snow trail of Copper Mountain, which is the extreme two diamonds. Seems to be pretty good too.


So far we have finally completed all the difficulties of the Copper Mountain Ski Resort, and can tell myself that I have finally graduated from Copper Mountain, although I never set this goal.


The ski trails in Copper Mountain are divided into: green trail, blue trail, black trail, one diamond black trail, two diamond black trails, extreme two diamond black trails. We graduated from these trails after more than 20 years.


As I said before, we finally graduated from Copper Mountain Ski Resort today. After more than 20 years of continuous training, from the simple green way to the blue way, plus the black way, I think this is my highest state.


On the road this morning, I kept saying I wasn't ready, to try the higher options. It seems to be like this every time, there is never a ready time.


Copper Mountain is sunny today, but there is a strong wind on the top of the mountain, and the blown snow slag hits the face like countless small needles. I really don't want to risk going to the most dangerous places.


When we took the Three Bears cable car to Tucker Mountain, I agreed to Lei's proposal to try one of the Extreme two diamonds black trail.


The steep and uneven mountain road, when we walked on its way, suddenly there was no sense of fear. There were many young people gliding past us quickly, which made me feel a little relaxed, and I quickly went down to the bottom of the mountain. Then I tried the second dangerous road, and I was no longer timid.


At the end of the day's skiing, on the way down the mountain, I no longer have the courage not to try.


The sport is dangerous anyway. I met a young man on the way with a broken leg. While I was trying to help him find his ski equipment, other people came to help him too. and some went down to find the ambulance personnel. At this time, I also put away my adventurous thoughts and walked on the way home.


Lei said that he has observed many times, he knows we can try, but I have never had the courage.


Sometimes, a sincere encouragement is better than a thousand words of lies, it will make you grow and let you go far. Even if you stand on the wind, you will not get lost.


Happy Lantern Festival on Sunday, February 5, 2023.



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鸡鸣寺过客 回复 悄悄话 回复 '雪狗2014' 的评论 : 你如果也坚持这样长时间,哈哈,一定也可以做到了。
雪狗2014 回复 悄悄话 好厉害
鸡鸣寺过客 回复 悄悄话 回复 '梅华书香' 的评论 : 哈哈,你也可以的,从最简单的开始。
梅华书香 回复 悄悄话 好勇敢啊,我连车都不敢开哦,祝贺加恭喜了!!
鸡鸣寺过客 回复 悄悄话 回复 'BeijingGirl1' 的评论 : 哈哈,谢谢鼓励,我是在缆车上决定试试,心理上并没有ready 的。
BeijingGirl1 回复 悄悄话 祝贺毕业。 能在那里滑两钻,佩服了。 我都好几年没滑过雪了。。。