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Learning piano

(2012-10-28 13:51:52) 下一个
Without plan like most of parents, my son pushes me to support him learning piano. He is motivated by peer pressure - a couple of his classmates play piano. Of course, I don't want him to waste his talent in music. Then he inspires me that I am able to learn piano too. On one hand, I can "compete" and encourage him. On the other hand, it's never too late to learn a new hobby and prepare for my retire life. Coincidentally, I read a post in Fashion forum. The host is extremely good at making crafts. Why can't I try it when I have time? See another good plan for my retirement. Wait! Why am I thinking about retirement while I just started my new counseling job 6 months ago? The answer is one of my dearest friend is going the process of retirement and I, perhaps, was contagious by making plans. Well, planning ahead is good, especially for a planner and doer.
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melly 回复 悄悄话 Finally got my power back. Such as relief. Life goes back to normal again.

401K? No. Son is always on top of myself.
归来 回复 悄悄话 买401k了吗?:))

刚看新闻,美国飓风已降为后热带气旋, 你们那里应该没事了。:)
