
女儿的诗 (1): My life experience

(2009-05-29 09:28:17) 下一个

Plucking the egg from the gray carton,

 I hand it to my mom, who taps it

Expertly on the table, deftly

Parting the two jagged halves of the shell

Into the awaiting pan.
Ssss...it sizzles against the blue, flickering inferno,

Golden liquid rapidly turning

A solid white.


And then I steal an egg from the dull cardboard box,

Its white, unblemished face

Gazing innocently up at me.

Gleefully, I raise him into the air --

And his golden innards spill

Out over the carpeting,

His mutilated body strewn

Before me in pieces.


My mom hands me an egg

Instructing me on the proper way

To crack an egg --

And the world disappears around me,

As I prepare for the sacred ritual:

Leaving just me and the egg.

Clumsily, I touch the egg to the

Side of the pan, and it smashes,

The watery mess dripping

Over the counter, down the cabinets,

Forming a puddle on the floor.


My mom hands me an egg

Instructing me on the proper way

To crack an egg --

And the world disappears around me,

As I prepare for the sacred ritual:

Leaving just me and the egg.

Confidently, I tap the egg, and

A spiderweb of lines appear on the egg's surface.


I clasp the egg,

Remembering my mom's instructions --

And I tap the egg easily,

Without even needing to tune out

The patient stares aimed at the back of my head.

Shoving both my thumbs into the chasm,

I deftly deliver the golden treasure into

The ebony-colored pan







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littlerabbit 回复 悄悄话 回复bin123的评论:
Thank you. I like it too. I am amazed a liitle girl could write something like this. I don't have the talent as her.
bin123 回复 悄悄话 it is lovely. i leave my foot stamp here