再请教8 老师:
Q3: 我对Hague adoption process 一点不了解。 如果我用Hague adoption process,
-You must follow both Chinese and the United States adoption laws. See the links below:
Understanding the Hague Convention (
而且Hague adoption process 会不会 受8/18 刚中国政府近期调整了跨国收养政策有影响?
-If the adoption meets the current Chinese Adoption law, then it should be fine.
"中国政府近期调整了跨国收养政策 - 今后除“外国人来华收养三代以内旁系同辈血亲的子女和继子女”外,
Q4: “you need to hire an experienced lawyer to help you. ”
~ 这个有经验的律师 是中国国内的律师 可以吗?还是必需是美国律师?
-Hire an immigration lawyer from US. You may hire a Chinese-born lawyer who knows both Chinese and US laws well.
-Different lawyers, the charges are different. You may consult several lawyers and make comparison.
By the way, if the child can come to visit you using B2 visa, then he may stay in US with you for two years by extending the B2 visa again and again, or overstaying. Thus, you can use Family based petition adoption. I know some people did this way sucessfully.
2024-09-12 08:12:228老师,感谢您的无私分享,您真是难得的好人, 非常有帮助, 万分感激!8 老师再请进, 还有问题