是runner's high,不是别的。
关于runner's high,网上的定义是这样的:The reward of a runner's high is like a rush – a feeling of pure euphoria that releases new energy reserves. The intensity and duration of the high can't be measured precisely – and it always depends on the situation and the runner.
我虽不跑马打铁,但也经常跑个几迈到十几迈的。印象中就没有high过。也许是对euphoria (欣快感)有误解,跑的过程感觉是: 提不起劲,慢慢预热,有点累,累,终于搞完了。记不得有欣快感的时候。
今天刚开始也是rough start,临出门排空了膀胱,谁知跑出不久又尿意袭人,这都是咖啡惹的祸,心想大不了去趟加油站,就接着跑。路上还超了俩美女,让我有些欣快感,不过这个肯定不是runner's high。跑上一个大坡后往回跑,到4迈左右的时候有一个小坡,我突然觉的脚步轻快了一些,有种跳羚跑起来的那种腾空感,脚底像是装了弹簧一样。当时想,这大概就是runner's high吧! 差不多持续了1/4迈左右,开始上一个更大点的坡然后开始吃力。
关于runner's high的另外一个描述:Push a little longer and gravity will suddenly release its hold on those heavy legs. Running will almost feel like floating. You literally feel elevated. Welcome to the runner's high club. After you've felt the reward of that extended effort, your perception changes. You'll want to chase this feeling again and again.
我断言,这个就是runner's high!如果连这个都不是的话,谁还能嗨到天上去?!
其实,这种感觉以前还是有的,只是没当回事儿,以为runner's high要嗨的多的多。今天经历了,确认了,但愿以后常嗨多嗨久嗨。
2024-09-14 15:36:14哈哈哈,恭喜恭喜!Runner’s High唯一的后果是 上瘾哈