【一句话翻译】挖隧道 (附原文)
【中译英-from Chinese to English】
Carving out the tunnel through mud and bedrock was part of the challenge, but the more daunting task was to accommodate a huge number of gas-guzzling cars and trucks continuously spewing their poisonous exhaust.
摘自 The 99% Invisible City
注:大家译得都很好!话说,没有标准答案的,原文供大家参考,自然可以有更好的译法,比如Marauders译的,直接用“To tunnel through mud and bedrock”开始,感觉比原文更简洁些。谢谢大家的参与!
Bonus: 【英译中】(这是我在头条上看到的)
I miss you, but I miss you.
这是几个月前在头条里看见的,见有人在讨论,还看到评论区里有人这样译(“卿卿我失,悠悠我思”),个人很喜欢,也印象深刻。今日抛之,一来分享,二来玩玩,顺便引玉:) 方外兄的 “我念我所失,我失我所念”就非常棒!
2024-09-06 09:08:12Have a try