今天我和一个同事email讨论工作,cc 另个同事。 cc 的这个同事工作交流很多,我们相处关系还算不错,一直互相帮助。可是今天她Skype 上给我说我给那个同事发的email 让人读上去感觉很rude. 我承认我是带着情绪发的,但是说的都是事实啊,所以我没觉得是rude.
起因是这样子的。三月份有个project我们决定了一个方案,影响几个分系统,包括今天email 的同事维护的分系统。和他讨论了我们的方案,他和user 研究后说他的分系统不做改动。最近我做好我这部分改动后,发现一到他的分系统, status 就变成了system cancelled. 上周二我就给他讲了这问题,他看了一下说是我的数据原因。我感觉不是,就让他把那部分logic 给我找出来看,一看我就发现里面的逻辑错误。我告诉他是因为这个错误,传过去的东西才被cancel. 这个需要fix。然后我又找user 提到这个问题。user 也同意改动。然后我又回头和他讲,他说这需要系统改动,他需要研究。我告诉他可以改动的两个方法。然后他就再无声息。
今天我继续在前面的email chain, 问他什么时候可以开始做他系统的改动,因为他的系统的问题必须解决,我做的改动放进去才不会引起他系统的问题,他回答说we determined before the project started, will not impact his subsystem. 然后说not sure 他什么时候能开始work on his change. 还问你传过来的东西为什么被 system cancelled? If you want me to look at it for you, tell me the #...
我一看就很恼火,我上周已经给你说了问题,并且找到了原因。怎么你还问 why? 我就说, it doesn’t matter what we determined. This issue has to be fixed. Maybe more research should have been done in your subsystem at that time. We’ve duscussed this and I’ve told you why it got cancelled. 然后又把逻辑错误的地方重发了一遍。然后他就回答, let me correct, this is Not an issue. Due to your proposed change system scope is changing, until last Tuesday we don’t even know your change affects my system.
我看了更加气愤,就cc managers, 说, this is a bug that has to be fixed. If you don’t want to fix, i’m Ok with it. If later on in production all PAs we created got cancelled by your subsystem, you will take the responsibility. It is your responsibility to research what needs to be changed or fixed in your subsystem, not mine.
然后他回复说, 这个逻辑在 production 好多年了,也没出现问题啊。现在是你的新东西要放进来,才会被 system cancelled. 我本来正想这样回复, a bug that has not been triggered does not mean it is not a bug. 结果还没发呢,cc 的同事就Skype 我, suggest me to calm down. 还说我说话的tone 显得我很rude. 所以对方变得defensive,事情 escalated. 可是我觉得这些话是带有情绪,但都是事实,怎么会给人rude 的感觉呢?后来她给我也打来电话,说她理解我的 frustration, 那个问题确实是个 issue. 但劝告我不要冲动下发 email,控制情绪之类,以免别人给你bad reviews. 我也知道她是为我好,就是不明白我那些话怎么办是 rude呢?
2018-06-14 18:53:15原文在此