the case for buying gold
You buy gold to maintain the value of the surplus your labour created, and to guarantee return OF your capital, not return ON your capital.
For sovereign nations, you buy gold to counter the constant dilution of currency values, to improve the asset quality and value of your central bank balance sheet, to ring-fence your nation against the interconnected debt bloated western banking system, to add international credibility to your own currency, to participate in the design/negotiation for the next generation international monetary system, to prepare for the day the US dollar hyper-inflates.
The last thing you want to do buying gold, is to fix your eyes on the daily fluctuation of COMEX gold price.
And due to constant dilution of the currencies, the price of gold WILL keep going up year in year out, short term corrections notwithstanding.
Have a sense of trend, and do not get fixated with short term fluctuations, unless of course, if you are trading the market.
2012-03-19 17:17:53Gold will surely go to $10,000 per oz